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Taxi Bot

Vertically Transporting Passengers 

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Key Challenges

Tight time constraints

Material limitations

Decreasing friction between chassis and pole

My Role

Mechanical Engineer - Team of 3

Thayer School of Engineering

Hanover, NH

Skills Applied

CAD Modeling (SolidWorks)

Laser Cutting

Iterative Design



November 2018


The Taxi Bot was designed as a part of Thayer's Machine Engineering course. The challenge was to design a robot that could start at the top of a post, travel to the bottom, pick up a figurine, and deliver it to a platform back at the top in under 2 minutes. We had 6 weeks to design and build a functioning bot using limited materials and low energy consumption. 

The bot is made up of a winch system, chassis, and a geared grabber arm. It uses servo motors powered by a battery to move.

System Overview


Geared Grabber Arm

The grabber arm bends at one joint to extend and reach the passenger. The claws user rubber bands to securely grasp the figurine.


Control Tower and Winch

The control tower sits on top of the post and lowers the chassis with strong on each side of the post. It uses guiding wheels to keep the chassis on track as it descends.

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The Competition

Our bot successfully picked up the figurine and delivered it safely to the platform in under two minutes. Our team also used the least amount of energy compared to other teams.

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